Gyakornoki pályázat – Baker&McKenzie International Clerkship

Dear Students,

each year, Baker & McKenzie awards up to 10 International Clerkships worldwide, to law students and recent graduates interested in exploring an international legal career with the Firm. If you are one of the recipients of this Clerkship, you will work with Baker & McKenzie lawyers in two different offices – the sponsoring office in Hungary and the receiving office located in another European country – over the 12 week Clerkship period, likely spending 6 weeks in each office. Afterwards, you would have the opportunity [to apply] to become a junior associate (ügyvédjelölt) in the Budapest office.

Clerks are selected on the basis of their legal ability, interest in pursuing an international practice, and facility in English as well as the working languages of the locations where they will work (if other than English).

Candidates generally must have completed at least three years of formal university studies in an accredited Hungarian law school (i.e., must be in or starting the 4th or 5th year of law studies) prior to their Clerkship and must intend to practice law in Hungary as an admitted Hungarian lawyer. Each Clerkship includes a stipend and travel expenses.

Applications are accepted and candidates interviewed locally. The program is flexible. Should you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact Ines Radmilovic (by email in English: in Baker&McKenzie’s Budapest office locally or a member of Baker & McKenzie’s international talent management team (by email in English to: ).

How to Apply:

To be considered for a Clerkship, please send your application to Baker & McKenzie Budapest, enclosing : (i) a full curriculum vitae (including the results of all university examinations to date); (ii) two letters of reference from law professors, tutors, or other appropriate persons who are in a position to evaluate the quality of your legal work; and (iii) a detailed statement (not longer than 3 pages single spaced) of the educational value to you of an International Clerkship with Baker & McKenzie.

Your application materials, written in the English language, must be received by post in the sponsoring office at the latest by Friday, 18 December 2015 by mail. Please mail your application materials to: Zoltán Hegymegi-Barakonyi, Managing Partner, Kajtár Takács Hegymegi-Barakonyi Baker & McKenzie, Dorottya u 6, 1051 Budapest, Hungary. Please also send an electronic copy of all application materials you submit to

Short listed applicants will be interviewed in Baker & McKenzie’s Budapest office after the mid-term examination period.

We will inform the winner(s) about the results of the competition in mid to late February 2016 and the clerkship will start after the end of the Spring 2016 semester. The exact dates of the clerkship will be discussed after a winner(s) is selected.

We look forward to receiving your application!


Kajtár Takács Hegymegi-Barakonyi Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda

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